Wednesday 18 April 2018

Poland. Theatre workshops part 2

We were separated into small groups consisting of four or five members. The two leaders gave us instructions. Our main aim was to create a simple piece of choreography with uncomplicated moves and no music. Instead of music, we had to use our own voices by making sounds like ‘aaaah’, ‘yeah’, ‘oh’ and so on. What was engaging about it was that each person in each team had to initiate a movement which would be followed by a sound characterizing it. Once each member of the team had made his/her contribution, the leaders asked us all to give an appropriate name to our group. Then each group took it in turns to perform their dance.

I must say that it was a really brilliant experience that made us feel free and helped us get rid of all our stress and anxiety! We had a great time and at the same time we developed stronger relationships with the other children and our leaders as well!
Eirini Oresti (student member of the Greek Erasmus team).

Friday 13 April 2018

Poland. Theatre workshops part 3

Beginning – 1:46
The students had been split into groups and given a theme from the play “Teutonic Knights” eg. honour, patriotism, rivalry etc. They had to make a list of words that they associated with the theme and then stand up and deliver them loudly and confidently.
1:47 – end
Small groups of students were given a situation on which to build and perform a sketch. The actors who were holding the workshops allocated the roles to the students. The first scenario is a lift that has got stuck and there are people of different ages and inclinations stuck together in the lift for quite a long time! The second is a plane that’s about to crash and the third is set in a forest where a hunter encounters a Greenpeace activist…!